British historian James Bryce once said, “The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.” If that’s the case, then this list may quite possibly be priceless. At Oasis Senior Advisors, we are always looking to be a resource for our clients, families, and caregivers. After working with countless caregivers over the years, we have seen the value of additional resources such as the books below can provide. So, here are the top books we recommend that every caregiver should read in 2019.
“A Guide for Caregiving” by Tina Marrelli
Wouldn’t it be nice if you had a guide on how to be a great caregiver? Well, this book is about as close to that as it gets. Written by registered nurse Tina Marrelli, this book covers almost every conceivable topic on caring for an elderly loved one. Written as an approachable how-to guide, this complete text is a vast caregiving resource for you or someone you know.
“Chicken Soup for the Soul: Family Caregivers: 101 Stories of Love, Sacrifice, and Bonding”
The New York Times best-selling “Chicken Soup for the Soul” series has inspired thousands by sharing true stories about ordinary people. Their Family Caregivers volume is no different. This inspiring book is filled with over 100 stories from caregivers of all ages, as well as those on the receiving end of their care. This one is a great read to remind caregivers they are not alone and that their sacrifice is worthwhile.
“Living with Dying” by Joan Berzoff and Phyllis R. Silverman
This end-of-life-focused book is unique in its approach because it includes a wide range of topics from current research to ways to bring compassion. The book begins with the narratives of five healthcare professionals who each faced personal losses causing them to change their practices and philosophies. Touching on a number of difficult topics in an already trying field, “Living with Dying” is a great read for caregivers, healthcare educators, advocates and more.
“Surviving Alzheimer’s” by Paula Spencer Scott
Much like the aforementioned “A Guide for Caregiving”, “Surviving Alzheimer’s” is a truly impressive guide. You’ll find practical tips from cover to cover ranging from how to defuse family friction to specific advice for spousal caregivers. With hundreds of solutions to caregivers’ everyday problems, this book is a must-read for any Alzheimer’s caregiver.
Our list would not be complete without including this incredible resource. This family-focused guide has been helping people understand Alzheimer’s and manage daily caregiving responsibilities for over 30 years. This invaluable resource covers every aspect of care including basic facts, how to deal with daily problems, how to cope, where to get help and even legal and financial considerations.
Know a book that didn’t make the cut? We encourage you to share your knowledge with us as we look to expand our recommendations. If you’re looking for more great resources be sure to check out our other blog posts or call one of our trusted Advisors today!