Good information is the root of good decisions. That’s why our advisors spend so much time guiding each client through their housing options and answering their questions. It’s also why we dedicated time to sharing our knowledge through the blog you’re reading right now. As leaders in the senior housing field, we make it our business to learn as much as we can about senior living and senior lives in general. So, this week we thought we would share a few other great resources on a variety of topics, from leisure and travel to health tips and fashion. Without further ado, here are several websites all seniors should check out!
Chances are you’ve heard of AARP. You may even be a member. Either way, you may not know they have one of the largest libraries of blog posts on topics ranging from finance to entertainment. With a variety of writers posting on such a wide range of topics, the AARP blog is filled with enough information to keep you reading for quite some time. We especially enjoy the healthy living and money talk sections.
You’ve heard of a silver fox, but have you heard of the Grey Fox? This fashion and lifestyle blog is mainly written for a male audience but includes plenty of informative nuggets for all seniors. If you thought getting older meant an endless sea of sweaters and bad fashion decisions, think again. The Grey Fox will have you looking great in no time, and with blog topics ranging from art to events, you’re sure to find something new and exciting.
A mixture of storytelling, information and anecdotes makes Elder Chicks an entertaining read. It was founded by Dr. Barbara Fleisher and Dr. Thelma Reese to help seniors of all ages learn about senior life. This blog features a variety of guest authors and taps its readers for their thoughts and opinions.
The Senior Planet tagline is “Aging with Attitude,” a quick signal to readers about what they’re in for. With regular posts on healthy living, senior dating, tech tips and even travel, this information-packed blog can be quite the resource. Senior Planet positions itself as a way for people who were born long before the digital revolution to stay engaged and active.
Have you ever dreamed of selling your belongings and traveling the world? The vibrant couple behind this senior travel blog did just that, selling their home in Seattle and traveling to more than 250 cities in 80 countries. Their adventure-filled blog features stories of travels gone right, travel tips and destination must-do’s. If you’re a wanderer at heart, we couldn’t recommend this blog more strongly!
While not a blog, this is a great guide that covers information to make the lives of seniors more convenient by highlighting existing technology. It breaks information into four areas: Virtual Assistants (Siri, Alexa, etc.); Home Advancements (for different areas of your home); Technology for Health & Safety (MedMinder, etc.); and, Technology in Day to Day Life (Smart TV, Wi-Fi Enabled Refrigerators, etc.).
These places are just the beginning when it comes to senior-focused information. Don’t forget to reach out to one of our Senior Advisors should you have a question about housing and stay tuned to this blog each week as we continue to share what we learn with you.