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6 Mindfulness Activities for Senior Wellness

Meditation has been around for thousands of years, but its positive effects weren’t studied until nearly 50 years ago. Practicing mindfulness and meditation can ease stress while calming anxiety and depression. Research shows that meditation can increase focus, improve memory, and enhance creativity. Embracing mindfulness empowers you to live with intention, making physical and lifestyle adjustments later in life smoother and more manageable. Incorporate these tips into your routine for a daily dose of wellness:

  1. Breathing Exercises

Start by finding a comfortable position, whether you’re seated, standing, or lying down. Close your eyes and focus on your breathing. Inhale for 5 seconds, hold your breath for 5 seconds, then exhale for 5 seconds. Notice how your body feels as you breathe in and out. If your thoughts start to wander, turn your attention back to your breath. Repeat as many times as you feel comfortable.

  1. Guided Meditation

Guided meditation can take place in person or online. There are downloadable apps offering daily mediation exercises and free online videos you can use. Check out local classes or meditation groups if you’d like to meditate in person with others. Exercising in a group can motivate you to stick to a routine!

  1. Relax with Music

Relax while listening to your favorite song. As it’s playing, tune your whole focus to it. Avoid multitasking and letting your mind wander. Find somewhere comfortable and listen. Even just one song can change your mindset.

  1. Visual Meditation

Visual meditation involves visualizing people or events as you meditate. For example, focusing on a photo in front of you helps direct and relax your mind. Observe the image closely for several minutes. Notice details that you find stunning or striking. You can practice this exercise outdoors, too. Find a garden with flowers or focus on a tree in the distance. The important thing is finding a visual to focus on.

  1. Turn Everyday Moments into Mindful Ones

Experienced meditators know you can incorporate meditation into everyday moments. Having mental check-ins throughout the day can turn ordinary moments into mindful ones. If you enjoy coffee in the morning, tune into that experience completely. Commit to feeling the heat of the mug in your hands, the taste of the first sip, and how it warms your body. Identify all of the sensations that moment brings. The more often you practice this, the more natural it will feel to be present and in the moment throughout your day.

  1. Yoga and Stretching

Yoga and meditation have been practiced together for centuries. Yoga encourages focusing on moving your body into different positions and stretches. It’s both a mindful practice and a workout! If you haven’t practiced yoga before, starting might seem intimidating. If you’re just beginning or have limited mobility, chair yoga offers a gentle introduction to yoga with seated poses.

Make Time for Mindfulness

The more you practice these exercises, the easier it will be to fill your days with intention and purpose. Be patient with yourself when you start. If you’re unsure you’re practicing correctly, that’s okay. There’s no one-size-fits-all formula for success. Try self-soothing techniques that work for you, and incorporate them into everyday moments – and above all, have fun!

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