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Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

As the average person ages, their risk of falling increases. Senior falls can have serious consequences, including injuries like fractures, head trauma, or even death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. However, many falls are preventable with the proper precautions […]

16 Veterans Benefits, Programs, and Services for Seniors

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers several programs and services to help Veterans access the long-term care they need. From financial assistance programs to residential living options and services and programs that help Veterans who live at home, VA aims to support U.S. military Veterans in living comfortably and accessing the care they […]

3 Ways To Pay for Senior Care

Older adults today may find themselves in a bind when they need to move to a senior living community without knowing how to pay for senior care. Though senior living may feel like a large expense, a number of solutions can help older adults fund their move and maintain their residency for as long as […]

These 3 Experts Help Seniors With Long-Term Care Options

Older adults can seek financial guidance from a range of well-known types of professionals, but when it comes to making long-term care decisions, it can be difficult to know who can help. The senior care services a person needs and can receive are greatly influenced by their health conditions, their health insurance coverage, community resources […]

Experts Seniors Need for Long-Term Care Planning

[Last updated September 30, 2024] With increased health considerations, evolving medical conditions, complicated financial matters, and the need for long-term care planning, seniors’ lives can be anything but simple. Spouses and family members often step in to help where possible, but managing care and decisions not only can be time-consuming but also may require expert […]

Help Your Senior Clients Save Money on Costs and Care

Many older adults in the United States live on a fixed budget and need to save money to afford life expenses. With the costs of care and living continuing to rise, they often ask trusted financial experts how to make ends meet. Careful budgeting may be the answer, but clipping coupons may not be enough. […]

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