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An Infographic: Choosing Palliative Care or Hospice Care to Manage Pancreatic Cancer

Death is not an easy topic for children and adults alike. There are plenty of critical diseases that leave the question of death hanging in the air. No matter how healthy one may appear, some illnesses are difficult to diagnose, like pancreatic cancer. It’s the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths, leaving a heavy feeling on the patient and their family.

This disease is sometimes referred to as silent cancer because it can’t be recognized early on. When the patient gets diagnosed, their loved ones will often choose between palliative care or hospice care.

Both palliative care and hospice care aim to lessen the pain, but these two approaches have distinct differences. Palliative care can be given at any stage of pancreatic cancer, from local growth to confirmed spread. If cancer can no longer be treated, the family should consider hospice care. There is also a difference in where these two are usually done.

It may be difficult to decide which option is best if they don’t know the differences. Making an informed decision involves understanding the treatment involved in the service and a patient’s eligibility. Read the infographic below to distinguish the two care services.


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