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Celebrating Your Freedom and Independence in Senior Living

July is for celebrating our county’s independence and your own independence! Choosing the right senior living option can be a game-changer for your independence. It can empower you to maintain your autonomy and keep living life to the fullest well into the future.

Independence Comes in Many Forms

We often associate “independence” with doing things on our own. But it’s important to consider your safety first and foremost. If you live alone, think about whether living at home indefinitely is safe. Maintaining a home on your own can be physically taxing, and staying isolated can cause your mental health to decline. Winter and extreme weather conditions can make leaving your home for groceries, shopping, and running errands more difficult. When your safety is compromised, a senior living home can be the safer scenario and can empower you to be more independent.

Get up and Go with Confidence

Retirement is an exciting time to return to your favorite hobbies and travel. But if planning a vacation means calling utility companies, placing stop dates on mail, and making arrangements for lawn mowing, snow removal, and caring for pets, your independence is lost. On top of that, if you’ve spent months or even years at home with little social interaction, staying cooped up on your own limits your freedom.

The Freedom for Free Time

We all need time to do what we enjoy. Without it, daily tasks like housekeeping, cooking, and cleaning tend to fill our day. Living independently in a senior living community grants you the free time to do what you love. Those daily tasks are handled, and you’re free to socialize and explore. Enjoy a walk outdoors, savor a meal with friends, and participate in events that fit your interests. Senior living opens up new social settings and activities that lead to new friendships and experiences.

Staying Active as an Advantage

It can be challenging to stay physically active, but senior living makes staying fit fun! Some communities have pools and fitness centers, allowing residents easy access to facilities where they can exercise. Instructors and trainers may be available, too. Even more sedentary seniors can benefit from group yoga and fitness classes.

The Activities are Endless

From aerobics to yoga to craft projects and day trips, senior living offers a range of activities for residents to get involved. Guest speakers may even be invited, and educational events can lead to more intellectual engagement than what you’d receive at home. Building your social circle in independent living helps promote true independence, too. Independence stems from feeling free and capable to enjoy life to the fullest. With safety, convenience, and a range of community events, senior living may offer the kind of freedom you’ve been wishing for.

Oasis Senior Advisors are here to help
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