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Everything you need to know about your new Medicare card

If you’re one of the 60 million Americans currently on Medicare, you may have some questions about the newly issued Medicare card. We’ve compiled a list of answers to some of the most common inquiries.

Who is getting a new Medicare Card?

Current enrollees can expect to receive an updated version of their Medicare card by April 2019. New enrollees will receive the latest version of the Medicare card upon enrollment.

When should I expect my card?

As of Jan. 16, the federal government has finished mailing new Medicare cards to all U.S. states and territories. That means all new cards have been mailed, but yours could still be in transit.

Can I check the status of my new card?

If you have not yet received your new card, or if you want access to a digital version, you can sign in to your online account at MyMedicare.gov.

Why am I getting a new card?

The old ones include the cardholder’s Social Security number, so to curb identity theft, Congress mandated that new cards be issued without the number.

What is “new” about my new card?

The only major change is the replacement of the Social Security number with a personalized Medicare number. This Medicare number will act as the identification number for enrollees moving forward. There are no changes to your Medicare coverage based on this new card.

Is there a fee for my new card?

No, there is no fee for your new card. If for whatever reason you misplace your Medicare card, you can access a digital version that can be printed at home by accessing your account at MyMedicare.gov.

What do I do with my old card?

Your old card can be used until Jan. 1, 2020, but unless you have a Medicare Advantage Plan ID card, we encourage you to destroy your old card once you receive the new one. Don’t simply throw your old card in the trash. Instead, tear, rip or shred it before disposal to reduce the chance of fraud.

What about my Medicare Advantage Plan ID card?

If you are currently using a Medicare Advantage Plan ID, do not throw your old card away when the new one arrives. You will still use your Medicare Advantage Plan ID as your main Medicare card. We encourage you to keep your new card in a safe place for use should you be asked to show it.

Will anyone be calling me about the new Medicare cards?

Medicare officials will never call you unsolicited. Scam artists may try reaching out to get access to your Medicare number or Social Security number. If someone calls and asks for your information or money, or threatens to cancel your health benefits if you don’t pay them or share your information, hang up and call the Medicare office directly at 1-800-633-4227.

If you have additional questions about your Medicare card, we encourage you to visit the Medicare website directly.

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