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Home Safety Tips for Seniors

Home should be where your family feels most comfortable. On top of having the right décor, it should provide a safe and secure environment for everyone. For seniors, safety should be a top priority when it comes to their living space. Luckily, with these tips and household hacks, you can ensure their space is senior-safe:

Avoid Potential Trip and Fall Hazards
Clearing all clutter and making sure stray cords are tucked away instantly makes a home safer. Wearing non-slip footwear prevents trips and falls, and rugs with rubber backing prevent slipping. High-traffic areas and entryways should be kept clear at all times.

Staying Organized is Key
Items used daily should be kept in easy-to-reach places that don’t require extra lifting or bending. Having a designated space for these items provides easy access when they’re needed. Keep important documents, IDs, and medical records nearby in a safe place, too.

Keep Your Bathroom Safe
It’s not uncommon for seniors to have accidents in the bathroom. Hot water can burn, and slick tubs can lead to slips and falls. Install grab bars around toilets and showers for stability. Having a rubber mat in the tub prevents slipping, and a bathing chair for seated showers can prevent accidents, too. 

Proper Lighting
If seniors tend to get a glass of water or use the bathroom in the middle of the night, adding light to dark areas can prevent accidents. Having an automatic night light or motion-detection light is incredibly useful especially in bedrooms and hallways. During the day, incandescent light bulbs provide a brightly lit space, and adding reading lamps to common areas helps maintain visibility.

Preventing Fire Hazards
Forgetting to put out a candle can lead to a catastrophe. Create the same relaxing ambiance with a flameless battery candle that’s safer. Keep electrical outlets clear from clutter, and limit the number of electronics plugged into power strips. Carbon monoxide and smoke detector batteries should be replaced when needed. When the weather gets colder, limit the use of space heaters and heated blankets. These can become fire hazards if left on for too long. If a space heater is necessary, make sure it’s kept far from curtains and blankets.

Creating a Safer Home is Simple
Seniors are at risk for trips and falls in their own home but using these tips can prevent an awful accident. These tips can turn their home into a safe haven so they can live comfortably and confidently at all times.

Oasis Senior Advisors are here to help
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