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How Oasis Works with Local Businesses

Written by Rona Rahlf

Oasis Senior Advisors provides a unique asset to its clients – the support of a comprehensive and expert network with a local touch. Local partners are the critical component to our community-based senior resources. Not only do our clients benefit from this partnership, but our local businesses benefit as well. By partnering with their local Oasis advisor, businesses and organizations are able to expand their own client base and build a stronger community.

Connecting with Local Oasis Senior Advisors

For a local business, building a high-quality and reliable network is key to success. There are many ways for local businesses to connect with Oasis Senior Advisors, including online platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook, or through local organizations, such as the chamber of commerce. Though your local advisor may not have an immediate need for your specific services, a partnership can still be beneficial – we are always looking to add to our network of trusted partners. By expanding your network and building relationships in the community, you will gain meaningful advocates for your business. Rather than connecting with one customer, you are creating a pipeline of opportunities for your business.

Working with Community Partners

Our network of community partners is a group of businesses that are complementary to one another, and we are all focused on the same goal – helping seniors. Clients trust their senior advisor with their most vulnerable questions and concerns, and their advisor then depends on local businesses and organizations to find the best solution. Together, we provide the best service and support for seniors.

Oasis Senior Advisors partner with many different organizations throughout the country. For example, the franchise owner in Central Utah has partnered with several local organizations and businesses to create a group called Golden Age Services. This unique partnership provides seniors with the resources and tools they need, all in one stop. Seniors and their families can start with their trusted point of contact, the local Oasis Senior Advisor, and they will be guided towards the right resources for whatever problem or roadblock they face. The group often hosts fun events such as bingo night, as well as educational courses including “How to be Smarter than your Smartphone” for seniors.

In Jacksonville, Fla., the Oasis Senior Advisors franchise owner has created a “Caring for Seniors” program to educate seniors and families on a variety of topics. Each week, he interviews partners and experts in senior care who each provide insightful tips and information. This program is tailored to those who may be considering a transition to senior living or are caring for a senior loved one in the home. 

Every senior advisor works in conjunction with local businesses in a unique way, but the goal is always the same – providing seniors with guidance and support as they navigate an overwhelming, confusing and vulnerable time in their lives. 

At Oasis, the referral process for new clients is smooth, efficient and effective. To facilitate a new connection, Oasis Senior Advisors recommends a warm introduction between local businesses and services with seniors and their families. This shows the clients that their advisor has a personal, trusting relationship with their partner.

Oasis Senior Advisors is a trusted partner for senior living and resources. If you are interested in partnering with Oasis, visit https://temp-www.oasissenioradvisors.com/local-advisors/ to find your local senior advisor.

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