Through Ali Izzo and Holly Master’s experience working as Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and hospitals, they’ve seen first-hand just how overwhelming depression, loneliness, and loss of independence can be. To address those problems, they created Purpose: The Therapeutic Subscription Box.
Purpose Therapy Boxes go beyond the package to promote independence, activity, and improved well-being in those residing in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, or in their own homes. Each box is curated by founders and Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants, Ali Izzo and Holly Masters, who have used their years of education and experience to create gift boxes that benefit your loved one’s quality of life.
Purpose Therapy Boxes are packed with full size products that not only bring excitement upon opening but also aid in everyday life while abiding by nursing home and assisted living restrictions. The boxes include personalized options that allow you to connect with your family and friends from any distance through a personal message and uploading photos into the box right from the website. With over 60% of long-term care patients going without regular visitors and over seven million seniors experiencing depressive symptoms, Purpose Therapy Boxes are the perfect way to encourage, inspire and treasure your loved ones.
Ali and Holly use their professional experience and knowledge to make sure every Purpose Therapy Box meets assisted living restrictions, contains products that are useful to everyone and reinforce strong relationships between you and your loved one.
The Quarterly Purpose Subscription Box is sent to your loved one every three months. Each box has a specific theme that will encourage the senior to socialize and participate in activity. Themes include: Fine motor, Strengthening, Cognition, and Self-Care.
The Fine Motor boxes include: products that involve coordination and strength of the small muscles in the hands that help to complete daily tasks. We use our fine motor skills everyday to get dressed, eat, write, or even change the channel on the television. Fine motor skills are important to maintain to remain as independent as possible.
The Strengthening boxes include: products that improve upper and lower body strength and endurance. Strength and endurance are important for mobility and safety. Improving strength in older adults will improve their ability to get around safely (get out of a chair, get into bed, or even walk to the next room) and improving endurance will ensure that the adult can participate in daily activities without becoming fatigued or short of breath.
The Cognition boxes include: products that are geared toward stimulating the mind. Cognition involves the brain’s ability to learn and problem solve throughout the day. Benefits of keeping the mind active include: improved processing time, better memory recollection, and increased comprehension.
The Self-Care boxes include: products that are geared toward improving the health of the mind, body, and spirit. Many older adults have taken care of other people throughout their lives and now it is time for them to take care of themselves. This box provides products that allow for reflection of life and relationships, as well as to improve overall mood and morale.
For more information and resources, check out our website at or visit us on Facebook and Instagram @purposetherapybox. We are so excited to help you send the perfect gift!
Citations for Statistics:
Varner, J. (2005). The elder orphans: Who are they?The Alabama Nurse, 32(3), 19.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2007