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Misperceptions Surrounding the VA’s Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit

When seeking sources of funding to help elderly patients afford senior care many professionals are unfamiliar with the valuable VA’s Aid and Attendance Benefit that can be available to their patients and clients 65 years and older. This VA Pension provides up to $29,172 annually for those paying privately for home care and assisted living as well as nursing home care and adult day, if not paid by other funding sources. 

To be medically eligible for this benefit wartime Veterans and spouses must need either regular assistance with 2 Activities of Daily Living, also known as ADLs, (bathing, dressing, toileting, feeding, transferring, or ambulating) OR have been a diagnosed with cognitive impairment (Dementia or Alzheimer’s). For example, a bathing assist to ensure the senior is safe getting in and out of the shower and then dressed is enough to meet the benefit’s medical criteria. 

It is essential to note the difference between Activities of Daily Living and iADLs, also known as Instrumental Activities of Daily Living, and know that they are not the same thing. While ADLs center around the daily physical care of a senior, iADLs include other components that a senior might need assistance with. Some of these components include medication management, meal preparation, housekeeping, transportation, and more. While ADLs qualify seniors for this benefit, iADLs do not. 

Proof of these senior care needs is documented on a VA Form 21-2680 titled “Examination for Housebound Status or Permanent Need for Aid and Attendance”. These 3 simple pages can be completed by any Doctor or Nurse Practitioner. A common misunderstanding is that it must be done by a VA Physician, it does not. Most often the applicant does not even need to schedule a specific visit the doctor’s office; if they have been seen in the past year by the Doctor or Nurse Practitioner, that professional can fill out the VA Form, and it can be scanned or faxed.  

While ADLs and cognitive impairment are the leading conditions to receive this benefit, there are three other criteria that make seniors eligible. To learn more about the other 3 criteria of Military Service, Income and Assets, professionals and veteran families can visit AidandAttendance.com to take a free eligibility survey or JOIN our July 21st at 3:00pm ET webinar on to gain an in-depth understanding by clicking here. For those who are ready to apply today, using AidandAttendance.com’s innovative software is affordable and makes completing the lengthy VA application easy. 

AidandAttendance.com is one of many partners that Oasis Senior Advisors works with across the country, helping professionals and families navigate senior living and resources. Contact your local Oasis Senior Advisor by calling (888) 455-5838; let us help connect you to our network.

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