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Spring into Wellness: How Embracing the Outdoors Boosts Senior Patients’ Health

Spring is here! What better way to soak in the sun than going outdoors and getting some fresh air? Stepping outside, even for a few minutes, can be relaxing and rejuvenating. Connecting with nature can boost seniors’ health in multiple ways. This season, take time to step outside and enjoy these benefits:

Mental Health Boost

Spending time outside can lower feelings of depression and anxiety. Running, biking, or walking outside can uplift your mood and overall health more than exercising indoors while promoting relaxation.

Bye-Bye Fatigue

Living cooped up in the same environment can be monotonous. Going outside for a change in scenery can boost your energy and prevent fatigue. Research shows nature has the power to elicit feelings of awe and inspiration.

Enhances Relationships, Decreases Isolation

Stepping outside promotes socializing, whether that’s with family, friends, or new people. Nature inspires spiritual connectedness and offers an escape from loneliness, isolation, and boredom. It can even boost your sense of purpose and accomplishment.

Lowers Risk of Early Death

Research shows that having greenery in urban areas aids the health and wellness of seniors living there. The same research team found that certain diseases were less prevalent in those who lived closer to nature. Overall findings point to a 12% lower mortality rate for those who live nearer to nature, and their risk of death from cancer, lung, and kidney disease decreased.

The Options are Endless

There’s no need for a challenging workout when you go outside. You can benefit from mild, low-impact activities. Here are a few to get started:


Birdwatching can be therapeutic and soothing. Many seniors find it relaxing and rewarding, and it’s a great way to connect directly with nature.


Whether you’ve planned a treat for two or a feast with friends, picnics are a great way to socialize and enjoy some scenery.

Fruit Picking

Walking through an orchard gathering apples, peaches, or berries isn’t just great exercise; it’s a way to stock up on healthy foods. 


Gardening is a popular activity among older adults for a good reason. It’s creatively cathartic and it’s good exercise. It involves light aerobic work and helps seniors maintain their strength.


Step away from stress and take a walk outside. It’s a healthy distraction that provides light exercise.

Embrace the Outdoors: Your Wellness Prescription

As the weather warms up, make it a priority to step outside for a few minutes each day. No matter what you enjoy doing outside, you can reap the benefits of nature for your physical and mental health.

Oasis Senior Advisors are here to help
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