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Tips for Encouraging Seniors’ Independence in Aging Adults

As they age, seniors can feel like they’re losing their independence. They can become frustrated or depressed when staying mobile, meeting new people, or enjoying their free time gets more difficult. Encouraging your seniors to take charge of their independence can enhance their quality of life and cognitive, physical, and social skills. These tips make it easier for them to retain their freedom and autonomy in senior living:

Modify their Space for Safe Mobility

If a senior suffers a fall, they could become seriously injured. The fear of falling, especially if it’s happened before, can prevent them from walking, showering, or doing daily tasks on their own. Making sure their space stays clutter-free and encouraging them to use handrails, chair lifts, and ramps keep safety a priority.


Sometimes, a wheelchair may not be the best option for a senior. Mobility scooters allow adults to get around with less physical exertion. Seniors can go outdoors, meet with friends, and get around freely with a motorized scooter.

Seniors Still Need a Social Life

Spending time with family and friends is important, especially as seniors age. Visiting loved ones combats isolation and feelings of loneliness. Plus, staying in touch with their closest support system can help them navigate life’s later challenges. Encourage them to set aside time to call, video chat, or visit in person with their loved ones.

Empower Them with Choices

Every senior has their own preferences and opinions. Offering them choices for what to wear, eat, and do during the day supports their independence. They can choose their favorite option while staying within healthy boundaries.

Be Mindful of Your Mindset

When our loved ones get older, we tend to mentally shift from doing things with them to doing things for them. Your loved ones still deserve your love and respect, no matter their circumstances. Keeping a positive mindset promotes a positive, more independent environment.

Fitness is Key

When seniors lose their mobility, it weakens their muscles and can leave them feeling dependent on others for help. Helping them determine what exercises are safe and enjoyable can make a positive impact on their health and well-being. Daily exercise promotes muscle and bone strength and can boost mobility over time.

July is the time when we reflect on our independence. Supporting your seniors in these ways fosters a positive senior living experience for your residents.

Oasis Senior Advisors are here to help
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