Oasis Senior Advisors

Oasis Senior Advisors

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Why YOU Need Oasis Senior Advisors

Who are you?

A social worker or discharge planner?

Adult child with a parent who needs help?

Neighbor, friend, niece or nephew?

Owner or employee of an in-home/home-health care organization?

Financial planner or trust officer?

A Physician, Physician Assistant or Nurse Practitioner?

Administrator of a senior living community?

A senior that no longer wants to stay at home alone and lonely?

Oasis Senior Advisors is here for all of you. Perhaps you are wondering why you should not just try to “figure it out yourself”. After all, you know of someone who went to “xyz community” down the road and they did just fine. “If they can take my patient/loved one/client/resident then that will be just fine, I’m sure.” you say to yourself. However, it’s not that simple and there are many things to consider. Let me explain….

  1. While a certain community may have been perfect for someone you once knew, how do you know that they are providing high quality care today? Staffing, administration and ownership can make an enormous difference in the quality of care being provided.

Oasis Senior Advisors is meticulously looking at all communities. We keep abreast of changes in administration and are continuously following-up with clients who reside there to make sure that their expectations for care are being met.

  1. Assisted living and memory care communities are not all equipped to handle the same level of care.

Oasis Senior Advisors tracks every aspect of a community; from the acceptance of pets to the administration of sliding scale insulin, and everything in between. When we help a family select theright place, we have every confidence that they can reside there well into the future.

  1. Payment structures vary across communities.

Oasis Senior Advisors looks beyond a person’s ability to pay today and considers the future. If the resources have a finite end, when? Can they privately pay for two years? Less? More? All this needs to be taken into consideration when choosing the right senior living community.

  1. We have a great reciprocal relationship for referrals with ‘xyz community’. We refer patients to them and them to us.

If the proverbial shoe were on the other foot, would you want your next place of residence to be chosen this way? Oasis Senior Advisors looks at every viable option, helps the family tour and ask important questions, recommends valuable community resources, finds alternate sources of payment and all without change to the senior or their family.

No one else has what Oasis brings to the table to help you and your loved one. We adhere to a strict code of ethics and moral responsibility. The needs of you and your loved one always come first. Always.


Beth Friesen– Franchise Owner of Oasis Senior Advisors Lincoln.

Oasis Senior Advisors are here to help
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