Oasis Senior Advisors

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Working Together to Benefit Seniors

One of the most valuable benefits of developing and nurturing trusted, mutually beneficial relationships between healthcare providers, senior living advisors, and supporting solution providers is those receiving care – and their families – have peace of mind with their solutions.

Each member of the support team provides their highest level of service because they’re able to focus on what they do best and collaborate with other support providers. This results in delivering the right care solution for families who want the best for their loved ones. 

A single source of contact for a total transition is vitally important at a time when families feel overwhelmed by the number of decisions that need to be made, stressed by the urgency to make significant decisions, uncertain about what needs to be included in the solution and confused about whom to talk with – all while navigating the emotions of this transition with their family. 

Jan Maze, Operations Representative for Oasis Senior Advisors explains, “We prioritize the personal touch in developing relationships with our clients and their support team. It’s important in understanding and meeting their needs, wants, lifestyle preferences, and financial considerations. We’re often able to answer questions they don’t know to ask. Using an Oasis Advisor as a single source of contact helps ensure coordination of their solution and that all pertinent information is communicated with those involved. Working with an OSA can reduce the time and effort required to make key decisions and help family members feel confident in their decisions,  providing valued peace of mind.”

At Oasis Senior Advisors, we are committed to building trusted, mutually beneficial relationships with solution partners in each area of support. This is based on our guiding principle of using our advisors’ extensive knowledge, skills, and resources to enhance the lives of seniors and their families across the nation. Our advisors work to understand the depth and breadth of the solutions each referral partner offers so that we may provide unbiased options to our clients. 

What’s important to each person is different. From the family member who wants their loved one to have a window with a sunrise view, to the mom who always wears a strand of pearls around her neck, to the woman who wears only one specific shade of red lipstick, to the dad who’s been reading the same newspaper daily for more than 50 years, each detail matters. Interviewing each family member ensures their wants, needs, and wishes are all heard and communicated.

Supporting the primary healthcare providers by being the go-to source for all questions outside their medical diagnosis helps the patient’s medical visits be more focused and supports the medical team in providing their highest level of care.

The depth and breadth of the Oasis Senior Advisors’ community knowledge simplifies the evaluation process for families making decisions about in-home or community living solutions. For example, knowing the different types of licenses each provider and community has means families evaluate only those options that fit their needs. When considering each option, our advisors accompany the family ensuring all their questions are answered.

Care is a significant financial investment with a wide variety of components. Your local Oasis advisor knows and understands the financial models of each in-home service provider and care community. Our team educates your patients’ families on each pricing model being considered. Families make their choice with confidence and clarity because they have a complete and accurate understanding of all their financial options. 

Networking with support professionals in the community gives Oasis the expertise to know whom to connect your patients’ families with to provide their total transition solution. Solution components may include Elder Law, financial assistance programs, funding options such as Veteran’s Aid and Attendance, Medicaid planning, long-term care, and reverse mortgages. This supports the family in making their choice with confidence and clarity by simplifying each option. 

Developing and nurturing trusted, mutually beneficial relationships between healthcare providers, senior living advisors, and supporting solution providers, models our guiding principles at Oasis Senior Advisors:

  • Promoting the dignity and confidentiality of our clients 
  • Acting honestly and impartially in order to provide truly unbiased senior housing options
  • Using our extensive knowledge, skills, and resources to enhance the lives of seniors and their families across the nation.

Do you have a patient that needs to transition into senior living? We are here to help you, help seniors. Call us today at (888) 455-5838.

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