Oasis Senior Advisors



Holiday weekends are the perfect time to spend quality time with our families. Whether you travel from out-of- state or the neighboring city, they provide a wonderful opportunity for families to gather and make new memories and reflect on old ones. It’s also the perfect opportunity to observe your elder adults physical, spiritual, and mental capabilities. Unfortunately for some families, the good times can often be overshadowed by the concern for a loved one. So, what happens when a family member mentions that “mom and dad just aren’t the same?”

Home – it’s where “the heart is” and the place where most aging adults will say that they wish to live. The ability to do this safely is crucial to remaining as independent as possible, with the lowest level of care needed, and in one’s chosen environment.
It can be a difficult moment when you come to realize that your mom and/or dad need care, whether in their home or in a setting like assisted living. Just as our parents kept us safe, sheltered and secure when we needed it – there comes a time when we’re called upon to return this same love to our parents.

Here are 10 signs it might be time to call Oasis Senior Advisors to help you navigate the path that is right for you or your loved one, because the right place means everything. We are here to help !

1. HOME MAINTENANCE- Take note of the tidiness, cleanliness of the home. These daily chores can become a big burden or forgotten by aging adults.

2. UNPAID BILLS- Are bills being paid, sorted and filed? Bill paying tasks can require recollection and be daunting if information is missing.

3. HYGIENE PRACTICES- Have they missed a few showers, lacking in good grooming or hygiene habits? Are they safe at showering or shaving alone?

4. SIGNS OF WEIGHT LOSS- Weight reduction can mean several things but check to see if they are eating enough and getting proper nutrition each day.

5. SAFETY IS AN ISSUE – Evaluate the home for any potential safety concerns – such as the stairs or accidents from dangerous household items and excessive clutter or trip hazards. Using furniture to surf when moving from room to room.

6. LOSS OF MEMORY – Repeated conversations and forgetting important dates like appointments or birthdays can be a red flag. Forgetting what they had for meals or which medications they took today.

7. DEMEANOR – Notice emotional states or unexpected changes throughout the day. Are they disappointed, irritated, or sad at times?

8. WANDERING – If wandering gets to the point, he or she becomes confused or lost, then it becomes a safety issue.

9. COMPANIONSHIP – Social activity is important. Are they eager to leave the house, stay in touch with friends, attend church or social functions? Isolation is a sign of concern and leads to other health related conditions like atrophy.

10. CAREGIVER NEEDS HELP – Caretaking duties are hard on an already hectic life. Working caregivers need to think through realistic commitments. Areas of decline for a working caregiver are career and/or health. Providing for seniors is a priority but caring for your own life is important as well. Consider the spouse as well are they able to keep up with their partners care? Are the fatigued, depressed or suffering from isolation due the burden of taking care of their spouse

Every families journey is unique, having plans in place and understanding all your options before a health event occurs allows the family time to support the senior rather then survive the medical maze in times of crisis. We at Oasis Senior Advisors offer a free, confidential & compassionate service helping families. We bring options, resources and solutions to you in the privacy of your home, bedside or wherever you need us. Contact the Oasis Austin Team today at 512-800-1469 or visit www.OasisSeniorAdvisors.com/Austin.

John Brown, Certified Senior Advisor®

Oasis Senior Advisors Austin and Central Texas are here to help
John Brown
John Brown Certified Senior Advisor® Contact Us Today (512) 800-1469
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