Oasis Senior Advisors

Oasis Senior Advisors

Milwaukee Blog

What to Do When Elderly Parents Refuse Help

If you have elderly parents, the time will come when you need to have THE conversation. Hopefully, you will have it when your parents are vibrant, energetic, and possess all their faculties. Your parents can tell you their plans and hopes for the future, and you can tell them how you will be able to […]

We Need to Talk About Giving Up The Keys

Adults want their independence, it’s human nature. Unfortunately, there comes a time when driving may be a hazard for your parent and others. Age itself isn’t necessarily a reason to take the keys away. But if driving skills are suffering or judgment seems impaired, you’ll want to have a talk before it’s too late. We […]

Talking to Family When You Can No Longer Care for an Elderly Parent

Of course, you care about your elderly parent. But it’s becoming clear that you’re burning out and just can’t devote long hours to their needs anymore. Now what? First, remember that you are not alone. Feelings of guilt and depression are natural but must be addressed for your own mental and physical health. Talking with siblings or supportive family […]

The Importance of Socialization in Seniors

When you think of relationships important to you, who do you think of? Many people would think of their partner or children, their best friends, or work colleagues. These connections with people who encourage and support us are crucial to our emotional health and overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, seniors can find themselves living without friendships and relationships as they enter their older adult years.

Prescriptions for Dementia

While dementia, like Alzheimer’s Disease, does not have a cure, certain medications can slow the disease process down or help to combat health side effects that often accompany the disease. Research is also proving promising when it comes to early diagnosis, which can allow prescription medications to begin their work more quickly. If you have a loved one who has been recently diagnosed with dementia, or if your love

Sleep Disruptions Linked to Health Problems

The days may be shorter right now, but darker evenings do not necessarily mean sleep comes more easily.

Wisconsin Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits

The U.S. Veterans Administration estimates the number of Veterans older than 65 number more than 12 million. More than half the number of Veterans that call Wisconsin home are over the age of 65. However, it can be challenging for these Wisconsin Vets to find the assistance and care they require as they grow older. In fact, many Wisconsin Veterans are not aware of the Aid and Attendance benefit, a

Testing for Alzheimer’s Disease

The Alzheimer’s Association reports that 5.8 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s Disease. It is estimated that by the year 2050, the number will nearly triple to a projected 14 million. It is no wonder the healthcare profession views Alzheimer’s Disease as a crisis and one that is not able to be cured by medications or other interventions. Fortunately, the Alzheimer’s Association and other organizations

Dementia Vs. Delirium

As you age, you can become more vulnerable to specific diseases or conditions.

To Pay for Assisted Living, Take Control

When it comes to assisted living, we can have choice in how we live and where we live. Read on for details.
Oasis Senior Advisors Milwaukee are here to help
Lauren O'Desky, CSA
Lauren O'Desky, CSA Certified Senior Advisor® Contact Us Today (262) 777-0462