Oasis Senior Advisors

Wisconsin Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits

The U.S. Veterans Administration estimates the number of Veterans older than 65 number more than 12 million. More than half the number of Veterans that call Wisconsin home are over the age of 65. However, it can be challenging for these Wisconsin Vets to find the assistance and care they require as they grow older. In fact, many Wisconsin Veterans are not aware of the Aid and Attendance benefit, a program designed to provide affordable assistance for senior vets and their spouses. Here is what you need to know about this, and how to find if your loved one qualifies.

Veterans Aid and Attendance Program

For Veterans and spouses that receive a VA pension and meet eligibility requirements, the Veterans Aid and Attendance program was designed to provide additional money each month to offset some of the financial strain that can come with assisted living or home care services. To be eligible for a Veterans pension with Aid and Attendance benefits, the Veteran must have served on active duty for at least 90 days, during a time of war. Additionally, there must be an honorable discharge or other qualifying discharge to be eligible. The team at Oasis Senior Advisors can assist you in determining if you are eligible for pension and Aid and Attendance benefits.

The Aid and Attendance program was designed to assist Veterans and spouses who may have difficulties performing one or more activities of daily living (ADLs) that can include showering, toileting, eating, transportation, or dressing, just to name a few. While assisted living communities can seem financially unrealistic to some seniors, the Aid and Attendance benefit can significantly offset the monthly cost for the Veteran, making assisted living more affordable. In Wisconsin, the Aid and Attendance benefit is in addition to the basic Veterans/Survivors pension for those that are eligible.

Eligible Veterans can receive up to $1,912 per month and eligible surviving spouses can receive more than $1,230 per month. An eligible couple can receive more than $2,266 per month and there is an option for a Veteran to receive money to support a sick spouse as well. These are maximum benefit amounts and include the basic pension plus the Aid and Attendance benefits.

Choosing Care Options

Veterans are typically very aware of VA hospital and medical benefits. However, the Aid and Attendance benefit, along with other long term care benefits available to senior Veterans and their surviving spouses across the country, often go unnoticed by family members. Fortunately, the team at Oasis Senior Advisors are experienced in working with Veterans, surviving spouses, and other family members to find the right care for each individual we serve.

When serving Veterans who are exploring senior living options and other healthcare connections, our team is especially tuned in to unique needs of the Veteran and spouse population. Let us help you by providing more information about Aid and Attendance benefits as well as other long-term care benefits you may qualify for. Give our team of experts a call today to get started.

Oasis Senior Advisors Milwaukee are here to help
Lauren O'Desky, CSA
Lauren O'Desky, CSA Certified Senior Advisor® Contact Us Today (262) 777-0462
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