Oasis Senior Advisors

Oasis Senior Advisors

New York City Blog

Top 5 Things that Make NYC Assisted Living Special

What makes New York City special? The diversity, the skyscrapers, the pizza, and so much more. As New Yorkers, we have a lot to be grateful for. What many New Yorkers don’t know, however, is that NYC has an assisted living market like no other: with so many options, there is a perfect fit for […]

What is Advance Care Planning?

Whether you’re living on your own or in an assisted living community, you probably still live an independent life and can make decisions for yourself. But maybe you’re worried about the future—” What if there comes a time when I’m not able to make my own decisions about my health?” Advance care planning can empower […]

Why is Assisted Living in NYC So Expensive?

There’s a lot to keep in mind when choosing an assisted living facility, one of the most important ones being the cost. The monthly cost of assisted living in New York City is particularly high, starting at  $5,000 a month. But not to worry, there are options you can take advantage of to help pay […]

Medicare vs. Medicaid: Can Either Pay for Assisted Living?

What is the difference between Medicare v. Medicaid? Can I have both? One of the biggest things to consider when deciding on an assisted living facility is the cost. As a senior, you may be covered by Medicare and/or Medicaid, but what’s the difference? Can either help cover the cost of assisted living?  What is […]

Top 5 Reasons to Make the Move to Assisted Living: When Is the Right Time?

Making the decision to move to an assisted living community is a big one. How do you know if it’s time for you or your loved one to make that transition? Maybe you’re reluctant to move out of your NYC house or apartment, wondering what assisted living can give you that living alone cannot. Ask […]

The “Unwritten Contract”: Navigating Assisted Living for Immigrant Parents

My Story As first-generation immigrants from the Caribbean, my parents sacrificed all they could to immigrate to the US. To them, the United States offered me opportunities I wouldn’t have had back home: I could pursue an education, get a competitive job, and achieve the “American dream.” I could have it better than they did.  […]

What is the NY Assisted Living Program (ALP), and am I Eligible?

If you’re a New York resident and are searching for assisted living, you may have come across the Assisted Living Program (ALP) that the NY Department of Health offers. What exactly does this program provide, and who is it meant for?  Who is Eligible for the NY ALP? The NY ALP is for seniors in […]

What is Senior Living in NYC, and Which do I Pick?

There are so many different options when it comes to living models for seniors in New York City, it can be hard to decide which one to choose. Between senior living, assisted living, memory care, nursing homes, and residential care homes, the choices can be overwhelming. This article lays out the differences between each, and […]

How to Celebrate the Holidays with Seniors in Assisted Living

As the holidays rapidly approach us, you may be wondering how you’re going to include your loved one in the festivities if they live in an assisted living community. Assisted living grants seniors the freedom to spend the holidays as they wish, and even offer them help in doing so.  Can Seniors Leave their Community […]

The Myth about Senior Care Communities: They’re Going to Take My House and Savings

You may be considering moving to a senior care community, but the process of making the move can bring about a lot of uncertainty and confusion. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding senior living, leaving many seniors feeling lost and unprepared to transition to a new community. This article is meant to demystify the […]

Oasis Senior Advisors New York City are here to help
Teres Rodney
Teres Rodney Owner & Certified Senior Advisor Contact Us Today (917) 830-7088