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Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dementia is a term meaning the decline of cognitive abilities. Though the human brain experiences a small amount of typical cognitive decline in late adulthood, dementia is not a typical part of natural aging. Multiple types of dementia exist and impact people differently; Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and affects millions of older adults in the United States. Over time, these diseases progress and impact the individual’s memory and functioning.

Although dementia and Alzheimer’s disease impact many people, even more people feel their effects. Dementia patients must increasingly rely on long-term care services, and the diseases cause cognitive and behavioral changes that reshape how the patients interact with family members. These articles help educate Alzheimer’s and dementia patients and their families about this group of diseases, offering insight, education, and resources.

Dementia Friendly Home Modifications

Dementia Friendly Home Modifications Did you know that the living space design can actually help someone with dementia function at a higher and more comfortable level?  Senior living apartments containing certain thoughtful design elements and up-to-date technology can make someone who struggles to function at home live more safely and confidently. If you would like […]

How To Get Someone With Dementia To Take Their Meds

How To Get Someone With Dementia To Take Their Meds Have you noticed that people with dementia often feel they’ve lost control over their lives? They may often be confused, and rather than expressing that, they present as angry or stubborn. If you know and love someone struggling with dementia, you may be grappling with […]

Music to their Years!

By Brian Hauenstein, OSA Greater Grand Rapids For someone living with dementia, the distant memories are often the most familiar, rather than events that happened earlier that week, or even that day. This reality can make it difficult for friends and family members to connect with their loved ones. However, there is a universal language […]

The Impact of Multiple Transitions on Dementia Patients

By Kelly Wilsey When Susan, an 87-year-old woman with dementia, lost her husband of 53 years, her daughter Kate wanted Susan to have a safe and secure environment, and welcomed Susan into her home. For Kate, it was the only decision that made sense. Susan was incredibly involved in her children’s lives, and Kate wanted […]

The Impact of Multiple Transitions on Dementia Patients

By Kelly Wilsey When Susan, an 87-year-old woman with dementia, lost her husband of 53 years, her daughter Kate wanted Susan to have a safe and secure environment, and welcomed Susan into her home. For Kate, it was the only decision that made sense. Susan was incredibly involved in her children’s lives, and Kate wanted […]

Hearing Loss and Dementia

Hearing loss is often thought of as a common ailment that comes along with aging. However, did you know that hearing loss is connected to an increased risk of dementia? Our trusted resources at HearUSA have provided us with helpful information to be sure that seniors and families know all the warning signs and can […]


September is World Alzheimer’s Month and a time to better understand the complications and difficulties that patients and their caregivers face daily. Additionally, it is an important time to learn more about the significant advancements and findings in global research. The 2020 Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (AAIC) featured over 33,000 virtual registrants from over 160 […]

Prescriptions for Dementia

While dementia, like Alzheimer’s Disease, does not have a cure, certain medications can slow the disease process down or help to combat health side effects that often accompany the disease. Research is also proving promising when it comes to early diagnosis, which can allow prescription medications to begin their work more quickly. If you have a loved one who has been recently diagnosed with dementia, or if your love

Conversations Necessary After a Dementia Diagnosis

When your loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, there are numerous decisions that need to be made quickly. Unfortunately, time is not on your side because your family member’s condition will worsen with the progression of the disease. As a result, you will need to have a series of conversations with your loved one about a variety of topics while they are coming to terms with cognitive changes. It

Alzheimer’s and Dementia Resources for Professionals

There is no shortage of resources that professionals can use to work with families and patients with Alzheimer's. Following are tools for assessment, diagnosis, treatment and management, put out by the National Institute on Aging.