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Health Care Professionals (HCP)

This is our collection of content for professionals in the health care field.  These articles provide valuable information on essential subjects where we can help people and patients in your care make transitions more easily.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact your local advisors.

7 Benefits of Assisted Living

Older adults and their families may need to find the best senior care option for their situation. Assisted living is a popular choice for many, offering a supportive environment that balances independence with the need for assistance. Read on to explore the many benefits of assisted living for seniors and how it supports healthy living […]

Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

As the average person ages, their risk of falling increases. Senior falls can have serious consequences, including injuries like fractures, head trauma, or even death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. However, many falls are preventable with the proper precautions […]

16 Veterans Benefits, Programs, and Services for Seniors

The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers several programs and services to help Veterans access the long-term care they need. From financial assistance programs to residential living options and services and programs that help Veterans who live at home, VA aims to support U.S. military Veterans in living comfortably and accessing the care they […]

Survey Results: Mobility Needs of Prospective Senior Care Residents

Mobility is essential to independence in late adulthood. Recent SilverAssist data show that over 40% of prospective senior living community residents use mobility aids, like canes, walkers, or wheelchairs. While mobility challenges can impact the ability to perform other activities of daily living and life tasks, senior living communities help bridge that gap. Here, we’ll […]

How Today’s Medical Alert Systems Keep Seniors Independent

Today’s medical alert systems have come a long way from a simple button worn around the neck to get help in a medical emergency while at home. While medical alert systems still offer in-home protection, modern devices do much more than that. These devices have evolved to support older adults’ health, communication, and independence. The […]

Pet Therapy: The Benefits and How to Get Your Patients Involved

People of all ages can form a special bond with animals, so it’s no wonder why pet therapy serves as a mood booster. Senior living homes offer pet therapy for emotional support or entertainment for residents. In addition to brightening someone’s day, pet therapy comes with benefits that can improve seniors’ physical, emotional, and mental […]

Huddle Up: Effective Senior Care Planning

Our senior patients’ well-being and quality of life are of utmost importance. It is crucial to develop personalized care plans that address their unique needs and circumstances to provide them with the best possible care. Let’s explore the key elements required to create comprehensive and successful care plans for seniors. By assessing individual needs, coordinating […]

Preserving Legacy Through Quality Senior Care

Recognizing and preserving senior patients’ unique family traditions and cultural heritage under our care is crucial. These traditions hold deep personal and emotional significance for older adults, contributing to their overall well-being and sense of identity. By creating opportunities for them to share and celebrate their traditions, we can help them maintain a connection to […]

Make Yourself A Priority, Just As You Do Your Patients!

In the realm of senior healthcare, our compassionate and dedicated healthcare providers play a pivotal role in caring for the well-being of our senior patients. As these skilled professionals selflessly tend to the needs of their patients, it is essential to recognize the immense importance of self-care in their journey. This blog post shines a […]

Enhancing the Discharge Process for Patients

Are you eager to uncover practical insights on empowering caregivers to provide exceptional care during the critical discharge process, but need help finding reliable resources? Your search ends here at Oasis Senior Advisors! We recognize the critical role caregivers play in ensuring a smooth transition and optimal care for their senior loved ones. That’s why […]