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Senior Nutrition

Nutrition is fuel for everybody at every age, and older adults’ nutritional needs are as unique as any other age group’s. Seniors often fall short in maintaining levels of certain micronutrients, for example, while physiological changes, like shifts in appetite, come into play. These changes, combined with chronic medical conditions or medications that affect nutritional intake, can make mealtimes for older adults more challenging and simultaneously increasingly important.

These articles explore various aspects of nutrition for seniors so you can consider what needs you or your loved one may have. Consulting with your or your loved one’s health care provider to learn more about how nutrition and specific health situations interplay can ensure optimal nutrition and health throughout late adulthood.

Seniors Can Get Home Home-Delivered Meals in Portland and Multnomah County

Proper nutrition is important throughout life and especially critical in late adulthood. Yet, it is estimated that 27% of older adults who live at home are at risk for malnutrition. The physical consequences of malnutrition in older adults can range from increased risk of falls to reduced immune function, all of which can result in […]

Turkey Stroganoff

Thanksgiving Leftover Empanadas

Pasta Fagiole Soup

Pumpkin Turkey Chili

Zucchini Fritters

Zucchini Pie

Zucchini Walnut Bread

Nutrition-packed fall recipes anyone can make

The holiday season means gathering with friends and family, enjoying the change in fall colors and of course, food! They say nothing brings people together like delectable food, and we couldn’t agree more. Previously, we shared a few recipe ideas with you for a simple, nutritious day. We would like to continue by delving into a few of our seasonal favorites!

Meal Delivery Services – Are they worth it?

We’ve all been there — coming home tired after a full day just to realize you have to start making dinner. When you are a caregiver for an elderly loved one, the responsibility is that much greater. Enter meal delivery services. For several years, a number of companies have filled the space of meal delivery. Companies like Blue Apron, HelloFresh and Sun Basket have made the claim that they make