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Technology for Seniors

Older adults are increasingly adopting technology through smartphones, tablets, computers, streaming services, phone apps, gadgets, or a combination of many technologies. More and more technologies exist to simplify seniors’ everyday lives.

These articles explore the role that technology plays in seniors’ lives. From suggestions of tech for seniors to how technological advancements can help seniors maintain their independence to ways seniors can use tech to stay connected with loved ones or increase their quality of life, these resources offer insight on how seniors may use technology to their advantage.

Common Elder Fraud Schemes to Watch Out For

Every year, millions of elderly people are targeted by financial scammers. In 2021, there were over 92,000 elderly victims of fraud, resulting in $1.7 billion in losses. Seniors usually have financial savings, good credit and own a home—all of which make them attractive to scammers. In a cruel twist, their trusting and polite manner can […]

Technology and Seniors

by Steven Moses, CSA CDP CPRS More and more seniors are becoming familiar with communication technology, especially over the last year and a half as they have lived through isolation caused by the pandemic.  But while COVID has certainly accelerated older adults’ interest in tech, this trend was already on the rise. In 2000, only […]

8 Tips for Keeping Seniors Safe Online

We all want to encourage older folks to stay engaged in the community, to be up-to-date on topics, events, and social conversations – yet at the same time, it’s okay to worry that technology, and scams, in particular, might outpace their ability to resist.

Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment

In its effort to “transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses,” the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recently updated its report on technology and mental health support and data collection.

Medicare’s New App Helps Seniors Get Healthcare Services Much Easier

Not sure if Medicare will cover a procedure you plan on getting? Calling the hotline or going to their office aren't your only options anymore, as all the information you need is now on the recently launched app, What’s Covered.

Senior Technology – Apple iWatch

Did the most profitable company in the United States just make the best product for seniors? Apple’s newest take on their iWatch series is packed with senior-friendly features. In a previous blog on popular technology options for older generations, we discussed the value of fitness trackers and smart watches. So, what makes the new Apple iWatch such a good fit? It all starts with the screen size.

5 Best Mobile Apps for Seniors

Technology is now part of almost every aspect of our lives. From the alarm that wakes us up in the morning to the television we watch in the evening, we rely on electronic devices to do so much. Increasingly, we’ve come to count on our mobile devices, and as smartphones, smartwatches, tablets and the like grow more and more involved, there’s an ever-growing list of tasks they can perform for

Technology for the Ages

In 1901, the first radio transmission was conducted. Fast forward 27 years and you arrive at the first broadcast on television. A lot has changed since the first forms of technology-assisted communication took shape. What hasn't changed is the way technology has affected our lives. Far too often, seniors are considered too old for the technology of today. At Oasis, we know that not only can technology be used by

LifeStation Device Review

LifeStation is a medical alert service serving the entire United States. Based out of New Jersey, LifeStation provides its customers with the freedom to live and travel independently knowing that if they require emergency assistance, help is just a push of a button away. In this review, we will be providing some pros and cons of their systems and service.