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Senior Technology – Apple iWatch

Did the most profitable company in the United States just make the best product for seniors? Apple’s newest take on their iWatch series is packed with senior-friendly features. In a previous blog on popular technology options for older generations, we discussed the value of fitness trackers and smart watches. So, what makes the new Apple iWatch such a good fit? It all starts with the screen size.

Display Size:

A frequent complaint from people with less than perfect vision is that smart watches have very small screens. Straining to see an update or to track your workout is frustrating. Enter the iWatch Series 4. With a larger screen, the new display is easy to see.

Fall Detection:

One of the top features of the new Series 4 is its ability to detect falls and alert the appropriate parties. In tech talk, the watch has a better accelerometer and gyroscope that allows it to analyze risk trajectory and impact acceleration. In plain English, that means extra security for you. Want to see the fall detection in action? This great video by a Wall Street Journal tech columnist shows how it works. With so many lives impacted by falls every year, this new feature is a step in the right direction.


Adding to its expansive health sensors, the Series 4 features the first-ever smart watch EKG. This can help if you have atrial fibrillation, and, coupled with the built-in pulse sensor, Apple appears to be gearing up to unveil a blood pressure monitor. While that’s still just a possibility, the addition of an EKG opens the door to even more useful functions.

All of these features are impressive by themselves, and they build on top of the expansive platform Apple had already created. With reminders that are easy to set up, carefully crafted workouts and more, the iWatch is fast becoming a must-have tool. Stay tuned to learn more ways how the iWatch and other “wearables” can help you maintain your health.

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