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Caregivers and Providing Care

Being a caregiver for a senior loved one is an important role to play in the older adult’s life. Caregiving involves helping a senior meet their physical, emotional, and social needs as they navigate the challenges of aging. It can require a person to perform a wide range of tasks, from helping with activities of daily living or meal preparation to managing medications and arranging medical appointments to ensuring safety in the home environment.

While important and fulfilling, caregiving can also be overwhelming, physically demanding, and emotionally taxing. Caring for a senior loved one also requires the caregiver to take care of themselves to prevent burnout and continue to help their senior loved one. Here, we offer resources on caring for a senior loved one to help caregivers help themselves and their older adult loved ones.

Holiday Health Tips for Families to Assist Loved Ones

During the holiday seasons, we want the senior relatives in our lives to thrive and have their best quality of life. It can sometimes be difficult for us to know how to support them because when we ask how they’re doing, they tell us they’re fine! While there’s no one solution, here are some tips […]

Shining the Spotlight on Those Who Care for Those in Need

National Family Caregivers Month was created to recognize and honor the contributions of family caregivers from children to seniors. The theme for 2022 is Caregiving Around the Clock – something family caregivers definitely relate to! This year, family caregivers also have something to celebrate – a national strategy was recently announced to support them. According […]

Caregiving From a Distance: What You Can Do as a Long-Distance Caregiver

There is no substitute for proximity in caregiving. Being a caregiver to provide emotional, physical, and even financial support is a tremendous responsibility – and burden.  Trying to do it from a distance makes it even harder.  For many, there is no choice.  As a long-distance caregiver, you may not be able to provide care […]

Talking to Family When You Can No Longer Care for an Elderly Parent

Of course, you care about your elderly parent. But it’s becoming clear that you’re burning out and just can’t devote long hours to their needs anymore. Now what? First, remember that you are not alone. Feelings of guilt and depression are natural but must be addressed for your own mental and physical health. Talking with siblings or supportive family […]

Why Is My Loved One In Denial About Their Dementia?

We know mom has dementia, that’s already been diagnosed. We watch as her ability to care for herself declines right before our eyes. We see her forgetfulness and confusion, but now, to make matters worse, she is refusing medical care and treatment. Does she realize she needs help? Does she know she’s ill? Why can’t […]

Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver: What You Need to Know

Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver: What You Need to Know Being a family caregiver to an aging loved one is a strong gesture of love that can be a demanding responsibility. It can affect everything from your health to your finances. Many family members accede to the position of unpaid caregiver without warning or […]

Caregiver Burnout During the Holidays

By Brandy Clayton, RN, BSN, OSA Southwest Dallas The holidays are just around the corner, and for many people that means chilly days filled with checking items off of shopping lists, gathering with family and friends for dinner, spending time off of work and participating in lifelong traditions with loved ones. However, for caregivers, the […]

How to Keep an Eye on a Caregiver

How To Keep An Eye on a Caregiver   Your parent was alone in the house all day, so you hired a senior in-home caregiver. Now you wonder, how can you be sure the person you hired meets your parent’s needs while also being compassionate and trustworthy? So you still worry. It’s natural. The step […]

National Caregivers Day Set for February 19

Recognizing Burnout and Providing Solutions for Patients & Clients An estimated 42 million Americans provided unpaid care to an aging person in 2019– roughly one in six adults in our country, according to the AARP. That means all of us come into contact with family caregivers regularly, even if we don’t realize it. Many households […]

Helping Seniors Get Organized

Nearly every year, the top New Year’s Resolutions are things like eating healthier, exercising more, and losing weight. Getting organized is barely mentioned, but haven’t we all heard people exclaim, “I need to get organized!” or have talked to older adults who need to declutter or downsize their homes, but don’t know where to start.