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Caregivers and Providing Care

Being a caregiver for a senior loved one is an important role to play in the older adult’s life. Caregiving involves helping a senior meet their physical, emotional, and social needs as they navigate the challenges of aging. It can require a person to perform a wide range of tasks, from helping with activities of daily living or meal preparation to managing medications and arranging medical appointments to ensuring safety in the home environment.

While important and fulfilling, caregiving can also be overwhelming, physically demanding, and emotionally taxing. Caring for a senior loved one also requires the caregiver to take care of themselves to prevent burnout and continue to help their senior loved one. Here, we offer resources on caring for a senior loved one to help caregivers help themselves and their older adult loved ones.

How In-Home Caregivers Can Streamline Medication Management

Being diagnosed with a chronic health condition can be overwhelming. A single condition could require multiple medications (each with their own set of special instructions), frequent doctor’s visits, and several treatment options. Now, imagine being diagnosed with multiple health conditions. The majority of seniors in America are experiencing the burden of health problems. On top of accepting their diagnosis, they

Should My Mom be Driving?

It’s been well-documented that there are ever-increasing numbers of older Americans in the U.S., more than at any other time.

Caregiver, Heal Thyself

In our daily lives as senior advisors, we frequently work with adult caregivers who are frazzled and over-extended. It’s not surprising when they often are working, taking care of kids and helping their aging parents. In fact, nearly 60 percent of caregivers work outside of the home.

5 Peace of Mind Resources (Tools) for Family Caregivers

5 Peace of Mind Resources (Tools) for Family Caregivers

Caregivers Require Well-managed Support

Our aging society presents an often overlooked challenge to the health of caregivers, particularly those who work in an informal or unpaid capacity. This subset of caregivers are often family members treating a loved one, and they have been known to suffer from elevated levels of depression and anxiety, higher use of psychoactive medications, worse self-reported physical health, compromised immune function and increa

5 books every caregiver should read

British historian James Bryce once said, “The worth of a book is to be measured by what you can carry away from it.” If that’s the case, then this list may quite possibly be priceless. At Oasis Senior Advisors, we are always looking to be a resource for our clients, families and caregivers. After working with countless caregivers over the years, we have seen the value additional resources such as

5 Senior Blogs You Should Be Reading

Good information is the root of good decisions.

Caregiving During the Holidays: Tips to Help Get You Through

The weeks between Thanksgiving and New Years are the most stressful time of year for many, but especially those caring for elderly relatives. It may also be bittersweet. Many of you are caregivers for your parents and kids at the same time. We thought we might offer a few tips for the caregivers during the holidays.

Caregiver fatigue – you’re not alone

Caregivers take note! Your health is just as critical in helping the person under your care as the care you provide. We understand that being a caregiver can be mentally and physically demanding. It’s not uncommon for the heavy workload to manifest in caregiver fatigue or burnout. Our collaboration with professional caregivers across the nation has given us insight into what to watch for, efforts you can take once yo

Finding Long-Term Assistance for the Working Caregiver

Working caregivers face many challenges in balancing responsibilities. Exploring available resources can help navigate long-term care planning for a loved one.