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Dementia and Alzheimer’s

Dementia is a term meaning the decline of cognitive abilities. Though the human brain experiences a small amount of typical cognitive decline in late adulthood, dementia is not a typical part of natural aging. Multiple types of dementia exist and impact people differently; Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of dementia and affects millions of older adults in the United States. Over time, these diseases progress and impact the individual’s memory and functioning.

Although dementia and Alzheimer’s disease impact many people, even more people feel their effects. Dementia patients must increasingly rely on long-term care services, and the diseases cause cognitive and behavioral changes that reshape how the patients interact with family members. These articles help educate Alzheimer’s and dementia patients and their families about this group of diseases, offering insight, education, and resources.

5 Ways Memory Care Communities Differ From Other Types of Senior Living

Seniors with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia face unique challenges to their health and wellness. Cognitive decline comes with confusion, restlessness, lapses in judgment, and other symptoms that can make living at home alone dangerous. Senior living communities offer a safer alternative, but they are not all the same. Memory care communities are […]

Sundowning in Assisted Living: How Communities Help Residents Cope

Assisted living communities are designed to offer residents quick access to caregiver assistance, easy socialization with peers, and amenities that make meeting their wellness goals more convenient. For residents with Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia, assisted living communities, especially those with memory care programs, further enhance safety and comfort. Common dementia behaviors, including […]

Understanding Hallucinations in Dementia: A Guide for Caregivers

We all understand that dementia can lead to a decline in cognitive functions such as memory, reasoning, and judgment, but there are numerous additional symptoms associated with specific types of dementia. Among these, hallucinations can be particularly distressing for both the individual experiencing them and their caregivers. Understanding dementia-related hallucinations and learning effective ways to […]

Understanding the Three Stages of Dementia

Receiving a dementia diagnosis for a loved one is an emotional and challenging experience. As you embark on this journey, it’s crucial to understand the stages of the disease to provide the best possible care and support. Dementia progresses through three distinct stages, each presenting unique challenges for the individual diagnosed and their loved ones. […]

After the Diagnosis: Helping Caregivers Cope with Dementia

They could have expected it. They might have seen the signs that a senior patient was repeating questions, calling familiar items the wrong name, or taking extra time to manage their daily routine. When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, the news can be devastating. While it’s important to support them through it, their […]

After the Diagnosis: Helping Caregivers Cope with Dementia

They could have expected it. They might have seen the signs that a senior patient was repeating questions, calling familiar items the wrong name, or taking extra time to manage their daily routine. When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, the news can be devastating. While it’s important to support them through it, their […]

After the Diagnosis: Helping Caregivers Cope with Dementia

They could have expected it. They might have seen the signs that a senior patient was repeating questions, calling familiar items the wrong name, or taking extra time to manage their daily routine. When a loved one is diagnosed with dementia, the news can be devastating. While it’s important to support them through it, their […]

How Geriatricians Diagnose Dementia

Dementia is a complex and challenging condition that affects millions of individuals, particularly in the aging population. Geriatricians, medical professionals specializing in the healthcare of older adults, play a crucial role in diagnosing dementia. This blog explores the intricate process by which geriatricians diagnose dementia, shedding light on the tools they employ and the indicators […]

5 Activities for Seattle Seniors with Dementia

Seattle seniors experiencing memory loss can choose from various group activities to improve their quality of life and health.  According to the Alzheimer’s Association, 120,000 Washingtonians aged 65 and older are living with Alzheimer’s, which is 10% of the population 65 and older in the state.  For people with Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia, […]

6 Group Activities for Portland Seniors with Dementia

It’s important to keep seniors with dementia active and involved in social activities. Here are five activities in Portland for seniors with dementia.