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Financing Senior Care

As seniors age and need more help with personal care or household tasks, home care providers and senior living communities become attractive solutions. However, these helpful services come at a cost, and typical health insurance doesn’t cover them.

When it comes to paying for long-term care, whether the services are provided in a residential facility or the home, older adults have an array of options. Various strategies, from private-pay options to insurance, financial products, and veterans benefits, can help seniors fund the services they need to live safely and comfortably. Find information about how to pay for senior care so you can get the care you or your loved one needs.

Veterans Aid & Attendance Benefit Explained

As per the 2015-2019 American Community Survey, around 18.2 million veterans aged 65 and older live in America. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers several programs that provide veterans with healthcare coverage and medical services, one of which is the Aid & Attendance benefit. The Veterans Aid & Attendance (A&A) Benefit provides veterans […]

Additional Income for Seniors Seeking Senior Living: How to determine a senior’s eligibility for Aid & Attendance benefits in just five minutes.

Emily Schwarz, President, AidandAttendance.com Are you a wartime veteran, or the surviving spouse of one, and considering a move to a senior living community? Do you require assistance, support, or care from another person on a regular basis? Or are you a caregiver trying to find a financial solution to help pay for your loved […]

Medicare vs. Medicaid

Is It Medicare or Medicaid? As people approach retirement age, they start to think about how they will pay things, including the expenses that arise due to illness or other emergencies. This includes medical bills and living options, such as home care, assisted living, memory care, or a nursing home. Some of these concerns can […]

Medicare’s Open Enrollment Period begins in October

(Abridged from SHIPHELP.org) The start of Medicare’s Open Enrollment period is just weeks away, meaning that seniors will need to make important decisions about their health insurance coverage over the next two months. The annual Open Enrollment Period is the time of year when Medicare beneficiaries can make changes to their insurance coverage. Open Enrollment runs from October […]

Clarifying Misconceptions Around Cataracts — From Causes to Medicare Coverage

If you or a family member are over the age of 65, there is a good chance you have a cataract. A cataract is characterized by a clouding and darkening of the eye lens, which blocks vision. Many seniors don’t notice a cataract as it develops it happens over a longer period, and most people […]

Are you Ready for Medicare Open Enrollment?

Planning for deadlines, 2021 changes and making the best choice for your medical care Medicare’ Open Enrollment, also known as Medicare’s annual election period, takes place annually from October 15 through December 7. During this timeframe, Medicare plan enrollees can reevaluate their coverage – whether it’s Original Medicare with supplemental drug coverage or Medicare Advantage. It’s also […]

The Government says thank you to those who have served in our military.

The time came when my parents could no longer live independently and needed to move into an assisted living community. Even though many of my relatives had served in the military I was not aware of a benefit that would help pay for long term care for Veterans, their sick and surviving spouses. I became an accredited attorney with the Veteran’s Administration so I could obtain this benefit for my

How to Organize and Manage Your Finances in Retirement

Transitioning to retirement doesn’t have to be complicated. All you have to do is simplify your finances towards your goal. You may want to take inventory of your goals beforehand. This includes making a list of your short term and long-term goals. To help you through this, here are the 4 basic tips on how to organize and manage your finances before and on retirement.

Wisconsin Veterans Aid and Attendance Benefits

The U.S. Veterans Administration estimates the number of Veterans older than 65 number more than 12 million. More than half the number of Veterans that call Wisconsin home are over the age of 65. However, it can be challenging for these Wisconsin Vets to find the assistance and care they require as they grow older. In fact, many Wisconsin Veterans are not aware of the Aid and Attendance benefit, a

Aid and Attendance Pension Benefit for Veterans

As we honor veterans this month on November 11, think about any veterans you know who may be dealing with the cost of elder care, such as paying for assisted living, home care, adult daycare, or skilled nursing facilities. If so, be aware that the Veterans Aid and Attendance benefit (A&A) could be a solution to help your friend, family member or client, offset rising care costs.