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Financing Senior Care

As seniors age and need more help with personal care or household tasks, home care providers and senior living communities become attractive solutions. However, these helpful services come at a cost, and typical health insurance doesn’t cover them.

When it comes to paying for long-term care, whether the services are provided in a residential facility or the home, older adults have an array of options. Various strategies, from private-pay options to insurance, financial products, and veterans benefits, can help seniors fund the services they need to live safely and comfortably. Find information about how to pay for senior care so you can get the care you or your loved one needs.

A Guide to Financial Assistance for Senior Care

One of the most common questions we get in our effort to help families find the right senior living option, is: “Do I, or will I, have enough money to take care of my needs when I get older?”

Medicare’s New App Helps Seniors Get Healthcare Services Much Easier

Not sure if Medicare will cover a procedure you plan on getting? Calling the hotline or going to their office aren't your only options anymore, as all the information you need is now on the recently launched app, What’s Covered.

Everything you need to know about your new Medicare card

If you’re one of the 60 million Americans currently on Medicare, you may have some questions about the newly issued Medicare card. We’ve compiled a list of answers to some of the most common inquiries.

Five Myths about Medicare

Medicare is one of the largest government-run programs so it’s no wonder that details and answers can be complicated. And with so much information out there on the subject, it can be hard to differentiate myths from facts. In this week’s blog, we will be diving into some of the most common misconceptions of the Medicare program. We hope to point out some of the most prevalent myths and provide

Medicare and Medicaid | When do they apply to senior housing?

The question of how to afford long-term care weighs heavily on the minds of every senior and their family. There’s no single answer, but we encourage you to explore state and federal resources such as Medicare and Medicaid. While these benefits vary from state to state, they're often among the most valuable resources for seniors. Read on for more.

VA Benefits and Senior Housing – Know your funding options

Oasis Senior Advisors understand the importance of reviewing costs and planning a budget for senior housing. Depending on your level of care, location and amenities, costs can increase quickly. Senior Advisors spend time learning about the various funding programs available to seniors to help offset the cost of moving into a senior living community. One of the very helpful but often unnoticed funding options is the U

What Nobody Tells You About Paying for Assisted Living

When it is time to consider assisted living, we may not have any choice in what our physical or cognitive limitations are, but with knowledge and planning, we can have choices in how we live and where we live. This seems pretty obvious, but what you don’t know about paying for in-home care or assisted living now, could affect you down the road. Read on for more information.