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Senior Health

A senior’s physical health impacts the type of long-term care they need. Health challenges can lead to chronic conditions, the need to take medications, mobility issues, and a decline in fine motor skills, among other issues. Any one of these challenges can lead to the need for long-term care or senior care services in some capacity.

These articles cover senior health-related topics to help educate about the intersection of health considerations for older adults and longevity, safety, comfort, and long-term care.

What is Oncology Rehabilitation?

What is Oncology Rehab? Oncology rehabilitation is a type of physical therapy designed to improve physical function during and after cancer treatment. Oncology physical therapists receive extra training to address the unique needs of individuals undergoing or recovering from cancer-related surgeries, radiation and/or chemotherapy. Who should seek Oncology Rehabilitation? Anyone who has undergone any type […]

The Difference between Admitted and Observation

Admitted vs. Observation in the Hospital When your parent is in the hospital for any reason, it is stressful and worrying. It doesn’t make it any easier when you are also unsure of how their hospital stay affects their out-of-pocket medical costs, what is covered by Medicare, and how to navigate the systems that can […]

The Reality of Opioid Abuse

by Julianne Rizzo, owner of Oasis Senior Advisor Southwest Chicago As people age, illnesses that cause severe pain are more likely to develop. One of the most effective ways to treat pain is with opioids, but it’s also the most dangerous. When a highly addictive substance is taken there’s a risk of overuse or abuse, […]

Clarifying Misconceptions Around Cataracts — From Causes to Medicare Coverage

If you or a family member are over the age of 65, there is a good chance you have a cataract. A cataract is characterized by a clouding and darkening of the eye lens, which blocks vision. Many seniors don’t notice a cataract as it develops it happens over a longer period, and most people […]

The Dangers of Seasonal Allergies on Seniors

Some drug-free ways to help older adults breathe easy again While allergies are often considered a condition that presents earlier in life, seniors are not exempt from the onset of annoying allergy symptoms. Age-related changes to the immune system may leave older adults at greater risk for infections and allergic inflammation. To complicate matters further, […]

Identifying and Managing Stress in Seniors

As we all experienced firsthand in 2020, stress can be debilitating or even aggravate health problems. For seniors, stress and aging often go hand-in-hand. Physical changes, loss of independence and the pressure of providing care for a spouse or sibling are common stress triggers for seniors.   We each experience and process stress in different ways. […]

Alcohol Abuse and the Elderly: A silent epidemic

Seniors are told that they should limit their alcohol consumption to no more than seven beverages a week—but as many as 5.7 million older adults participate in at-risk drinking behaviors. According to a 2018 survey, one in 10 seniors admit to binge drinking—four or more drinks in a two-hour span. Even seasoned healthcare professionals are […]

Taking A Closer Look at Sleep in the Elderly

National Sleep Awareness Week Sheds Light on Benefits & Challenges Sleep Awareness Week, March 14-20, highlights new findings and research to help those battling a variety of sleep disorders. As you’ve likely experienced within your community, studies show that older adults are commonly affected by difficulties and interruptions in their nightly sleep. The most frequently […]


Extra steps you can take to help those in your care Currently, one in three American adults is at risk for kidney disease, and one of the biggest risk factors for developing kidney disease is being age 60 or older. Although there are other risk factors for developing kidney disease, such as having diabetes, high […]


Learning the Risks, Helping Those in You Care About Did you know that obesity can affect seniors very differently from the way it affects younger adults? As World Obesity Day approaches, the top medical minds and advocacy groups across the planet will submit new findings, updated statistics and practical solutions for ending the global obesity […]