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Senior Health

A senior’s physical health impacts the type of long-term care they need. Health challenges can lead to chronic conditions, the need to take medications, mobility issues, and a decline in fine motor skills, among other issues. Any one of these challenges can lead to the need for long-term care or senior care services in some capacity.

These articles cover senior health-related topics to help educate about the intersection of health considerations for older adults and longevity, safety, comfort, and long-term care.

An Infographic: Choosing Palliative Care or Hospice Care to Manage Pancreatic Cancer

Death is not an easy topic for children and adults alike. There are plenty of critical diseases that leave the question of death hanging in the air. No matter how healthy one may appear, some illnesses are difficult to diagnose, like pancreatic cancer. It’s the fourth leading cause of cancer deaths, leaving a heavy feeling on the patient and their family.

Get Smart on Diabetes in Older Adults

Diabetes is one of those diseases that while serious, has been around for so long, that people may discount its dangers. Unless you have diabetes, or know someone who struggles with it, of course. That’s why it’s good to have a refresher of sorts in November which marks Diabetes Awareness Month.

All Things Pink – Ideas to Raise Awareness for Breast Cancer

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, an opportunity to spread awareness about the disease that touches so many. The facts are well known but worth repeating:

Health Reminders for Older Men

All eyes are on fathers later this month as Father’s Day arrives on Sunday, June 16.

The State of Senior Health

America’s Health Rankings® (AHR) recently came out with its 2019 Senior Report that provides a comprehensive look at the health of seniors across the nation on a state-by-state basis.

The State of Seniors Health

America’s Health Rankings® (AHR) recently came out with its 2019 Senior Report that provides a comprehensive look at the health of seniors across the nation on a state-by-state basis.

Tips to Help You Find the Right Doctor for your Aging Family Member

You may think your mom can just see the primary care doctor you’ve had for your family, but that probably isn’t the best decision if your parents are over the age of 65.

Five sleeping tips for seniors

The Dalai Lama once said, “Sleep is the best meditation.” Getting the right amount of sleep is vital to living a healthy life. People over the age of 65 need at least five hours of sleep per night but ideally closer to seven or eight, The National Sleep Foundation says. Late-night bathroom visits, a sore body, general restlessness and other distractions mean getting this necessary sleep is not always easy.