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Senior Housing Options

Older adults may find that their lives and needs change over time and that their living situations no longer meet their needs. The multi-bedroom homes where seniors raised their families for decades become more challenging to maintain, do not have necessary safety features, or don’t facilitate a simplified life. Many senior living options exist to meet the common needs of older adults and make life easier, safer, and more comfortable.

Senior housing options abound in the United States, with options to suit residential style preferences while meeting personal care and medical needs. Older adults who prefer luxury amenities at their fingertips might consider independent living communities. Those who need help with some personal care tasks and would like housekeeping, meal preparation, and socialization programming can find their next home in an assisted living community. Individuals with specialized health needs may find comfort in a memory care community or nursing home. Review these resources to learn more about senior housing options and determine which is right for you or your loved one.

Tips for Moving to a Senior Living Community

Moving a loved one to a senior living community is often stressful for everyone in the family. However, creating a plan and managing everything on a timeline can make the process smoother and less demanding. The following steps are useful regardless whether your timeline is drawn out or compressed. How to get started • Sit […]

The Six Types of CCRC Contracts

CCRCs, or Continuing Care Retirement Communities are senior living communities that provide housing, personal and social services, and health care for life. If your parents are planning to move to a CCRC, there are several things they need to consider, including the different types of CCRC contracts available to them. Each contract outlines the financial […]

How Do I Convince My Loved One It’s Time to Move to Assisted Living?

It’s a challenge to think about moving your parent or loved one from their home to an assisted living community, even though it might be the best decision for them. Ultimately it is their decision, so if they are feeling unsure, overwhelmed, or threatened by the thought of a move that you feel is in […]

How to Not Go Broke in a Nursing Home

It’s estimated that roughly 50% of men and 60% of women will need skilled nursing home care at some point in their life. Many people mistakenly believe that Medicare or Medicaid will cover these long-term care needs. The reality is that most people use their own resources to pay for long-term care and with the […]

Activities of Daily Living (ADL): What Are They and Why Are They Important for Senior Care?

As we age, we all make adapt to challenges presented us by the aging process.  It may start with things like reading glasses or hearing aids, and can progress to include assistance with tasks referred to as ‘instrumental activities’ of daily living (IADL’s) such as shopping, cooking and upkeep of our home, or activities of […]

Your Guide to Needs Assessment at an Assisted Living Community

Most senior living communities have multiple levels of care. Figuring out which level of care is best for your aging loved one can be difficult to do. But you don’t have to make this decision by yourself: if your family member is interested in moving into an assisted living facility, they will first have to […]

What is a CCRC and What are its Benefits

A Continuing Care Retirement Community, or CCRC, is a senior living community that provides housing, personal and social services, and health care for life.  The emphasis of the CCRC model is on a continuum of care which enables residents to avoid having to move – except to another area within the community – as their […]

Everything You Need to Know About Hospice Care

For seniors with terminal illnesses or memory-related disorders, hospice care is a powerful option that offers medical, psychological, and spiritual support for their needs when the disease has advanced beyond cure. Unfortunately, studies show that hospice care is often started too late because of a few misconceptions about it. So, what is hospice care, and how can […]

Discharging Seniors from In-Patient Care – What’s Next?

First, do no harm – the Hippocratic Oath that all health care providers take upon their graduation from medical school, promising to always put their patient’s well-being above their own. When health care providers are making even the toughest of choices when it comes to their patient’s care, they are always striving to do what […]

Signs of Skilled Nursing Facility Elder Abuse

Signs of Skilled Nursing Facility Elder Abuse Have you recently moved your mom or dad to a skilled nursing facility or assisted living residence? Perhaps you are thinking of doing so but have some concerns. We get it. There is a lot to think about. Many people are worried about possible neglect or even abuse […]