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Senior Housing Options

Older adults may find that their lives and needs change over time and that their living situations no longer meet their needs. The multi-bedroom homes where seniors raised their families for decades become more challenging to maintain, do not have necessary safety features, or don’t facilitate a simplified life. Many senior living options exist to meet the common needs of older adults and make life easier, safer, and more comfortable.

Senior housing options abound in the United States, with options to suit residential style preferences while meeting personal care and medical needs. Older adults who prefer luxury amenities at their fingertips might consider independent living communities. Those who need help with some personal care tasks and would like housekeeping, meal preparation, and socialization programming can find their next home in an assisted living community. Individuals with specialized health needs may find comfort in a memory care community or nursing home. Review these resources to learn more about senior housing options and determine which is right for you or your loved one.

Differences Between a Skilled Nursing Facility and an Assisted Living Facility

Differences Between a Skilled Nursing Facility and an Assisted Living Facility Are you worried about your parent or other senior loved one? Concerned that they may be unable to continue living independently? Many families in this situation find themselves looking for solutions outside of the home. Because care needs change, finding the right solution both […]

Tips for touring an Assisted Living Community

How to Tour an Assisted Living Facility Talking about assisted living to an aging parent, one who is used to being independent and self-sufficient, can be very tough. But it’s a good conversation to have before you feel that it’s an urgent matter. Then, once you’ve started the conversation with your parents, you may wonder […]

Finding Senior Living for an Adult with a Mental Health Condition

by Candy Cohn, CSA® Candy Cohn’s father was in his late 80s when he unintentionally stopped taking his medication for bipolar disorder. During this time, he experienced a significant mental health crisis that resulted in hospitalization and intensive treatment. After this episode, Candy came to the realization that her aging parents needed more support, medication […]

Home Care Terms

What type of aide do I need? If you are starting to explore options for your aging parent or other loved one, your head may be spinning due to the many home care terms and acronyms that flood the internet. There are resources out there to guide you, but sometimes those can be confusing too. […]

Checklist for Choosing a Nursing Home

How to Select a Nursing Home Selecting a nursing home, or skilled nursing facility, for a parent or other loved one is not a responsibility anyone looks forward to.  It’s a decision fraught with emotion and full of complicated considerations making it especially challenging for someone to feel confident in their choice. Checklists, interviews, visits, […]

How To Choose Between Assisted Living And In-Home Care

How To Choose Between Assisted Living And In-Home Care Making decisions about a parent’s care as they age is not easy. The array of options can be dizzying, and understanding the implications of each can be intimidating. Not to mention, the responsibility comes with all kinds of complicated emotions and can wear on us. The […]

How to answer, “I want to go home’

When a Senior Says, “Can I Go Home Now?” What if home did not feel like home? Or if no matter where you were, the warm, safe feeling of home remained elusive? That can happen to people with Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Answering the question, “Can I go home now?” is much more […]

Assisted Living with Memory vs Memory-Only Communities

By Alan Hoffman “How do I get started finding the right community for my loved one?”  Oasis Senior Advisors hear this question often as families come to terms with the fact that living at home is no longer an option for their loved one. Many people place their loved ones on their own, only to […]

Assisted Living with Memory vs Memory-Only Communities

By Alan Hoffman “How do I get started finding the right community for my loved one?”  Oasis Senior Advisors hear this question often as families come to terms with the fact that living at home is no longer an option for their loved one. Many people place their loved ones on their own, only to […]

Assisted Living Helps Lessen Trips to the Emergency Room

During normal, non-COVID-19 times, older Americans are much more likely to have repeated trips to emergency rooms than those who are younger. But with the pandemic, news reports have shown that people are avoiding going to ERs because they fear becoming infected.