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Senior Mental Health

Late adulthood has many common life changes and events that can impact a person’s mental health. Retirement, physiological changes, new or evolving health conditions, medication side effects, loss and change of social circles, downsizing, and more can all impact a person’s emotional wellness. Older adults can face mental health issues because this age group has many life changes to face.

It’s important to understand the mental health challenges that seniors may face, how to identify struggles in yourself or a loved one, and how to seek help and maintain mental health through late adulthood. These resources explore senior mental health issues and offer insight on supporting yourself or your senior loved one.

Long Winter Nights May Affect Seniors

Alzheimer’s & Dementia Symptoms May Increase Due to Less Sunlight While caring for or living with someone who has Alzheimer’s disease or dementia, you may notice marked changes in behavior in the late afternoon or early evening. The medical community refers to it as “sundowning,” or sundown syndrome. When someone is sundowning, they may be anxious, […]

Activities in the Time of Pandemic

Since mid-March, when the coronavirus pandemic took hold in the United States, assisted living and other senior communities have limited or entirely stopped, allowing visitors in their facilities. And with good reason, as COVID-19 can run rampant in congregate care settings.

The Importance of Socialization in Seniors

When you think of relationships important to you, who do you think of? Many people would think of their partner or children, their best friends, or work colleagues. These connections with people who encourage and support us are crucial to our emotional health and overall wellbeing. Unfortunately, seniors can find themselves living without friendships and relationships as they enter their older adult years.

New Year’s Motivation for Seniors

It’s that time of year when we all look forward to making positive changes in our lives and setting goals for ourselves in 2020. For seniors and those working in the senior industry, last year brought some encouraging news in the area of dementia and Alzheimer’s prevention that could serve as motivation for you and your family.

How You Can Help Seniors Facing the Holidays Alone

Nothing is more heart-wrenching than knowing about a senior who is all alone at the holidays, either because the senior has no living relatives, or their family members live far away and can’t visit. Those of us who work in the senior industry do our best around the holidays to allay this isolation by holding special events and celebrations for seniors in our senior living facilities and at community centers

Technology and the Future of Mental Health Treatment

In its effort to “transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses,” the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) recently updated its report on technology and mental health support and data collection.

Coloring Books for Adults – History, Trend and Benefits

In the last decade, the craze for coloring books for adults has drawn many people back to a hobby they enjoyed as kids. Ironically, adult coloring books were how the activity began in the first place.

What’s the Deal with Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction?

If you pay attention to health-related news, you may have heard talk of mindfulness-based stress reduction, or MBSR for short. But, what is it and what does it do? Read on for more information.

Stress Management

Stress isn’t going away for the millions of Baby Boomers who are now retiring. Instead, they’re encountering a litany of new stressors that come with aging.

Stress Management

Stress isn’t going away for the millions of Baby Boomers who are now retiring. Instead, they’re encountering a litany of new stressors that come with aging. Health concerns, lack of mobility, worries over the sustainability of a fixed income, feelings of restlessness, fear of mortality and more could come into play.