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Senior Mental Health

Late adulthood has many common life changes and events that can impact a person’s mental health. Retirement, physiological changes, new or evolving health conditions, medication side effects, loss and change of social circles, downsizing, and more can all impact a person’s emotional wellness. Older adults can face mental health issues because this age group has many life changes to face.

It’s important to understand the mental health challenges that seniors may face, how to identify struggles in yourself or a loved one, and how to seek help and maintain mental health through late adulthood. These resources explore senior mental health issues and offer insight on supporting yourself or your senior loved one.

Mindful based stress reduction

Mindfulness is not a new concept. Rooted in the religious practices of Buddhism, Hinduism and Judaism, the idea of mindfulness has been around thousands of years. Its popularity in western secular culture as a means of stress reduction is, however, a fairly new concept.

How To: Stay Connected to Your Older Loved One

Through Ali Izzo and Holly Master’s experience working as Certified Occupational Therapy Assistants in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and hospitals, they’ve seen first-hand just how overwhelming depression, loneliness, and loss of independence can be.