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Senior Health

A senior’s physical health impacts the type of long-term care they need. Health challenges can lead to chronic conditions, the need to take medications, mobility issues, and a decline in fine motor skills, among other issues. Any one of these challenges can lead to the need for long-term care or senior care services in some capacity.

These articles cover senior health-related topics to help educate about the intersection of health considerations for older adults and longevity, safety, comfort, and long-term care.

Fall Prevention Tips for Seniors

As the average person ages, their risk of falling increases. Senior falls can have serious consequences, including injuries like fractures, head trauma, or even death. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), falls are the leading cause of injury-related deaths among older adults. However, many falls are preventable with the proper precautions […]

Navigating a Safe Discharge: A Guide for Medicare Beneficiaries

Transitioning from a hospital or skilled nursing facility (SNF) back home can be an overwhelming process. To do so under the restrictions and limitations of Medicare coverage can be even more difficult to Here are some considerations for achieving a safe discharge under Medicare coverage that will ensure optimal recovery and minimize the risk of […]

Common Legs Issues for Seniors and the Great Saphenous Vein

As we age, our bodies undergo numerous changes, and one area that often bears the brunt of these changes is our legs. From decreased mobility to circulation issues, seniors, especially, face myriad leg-related problems that can impact their quality of life. Common Leg Problems for Seniors: 1. Varicose Veins: Varicose veins are characterized by enlarged, […]

Tips for Improving Seniors’ Visits with Doctors

As we age, our healthcare needs tend to become more complex, requiring frequent visits to doctors and specialists. These interactions are crucial for maintaining a senior’s health, yet breakdowns in communication between seniors and healthcare providers are a common challenge that can have serious consequences. In this blog, we will explore the problems that arise […]

Beyond Medications: How Financial Stress Affects Seniors’ Well-being

Financial anxiety impacts people of all ages, especially seniors. When older adults worry about supporting themselves on a low income, their physical and mental health can suffer. Recognizing how financial anxiety affects seniors’ health can lead them to healthier, more efficient ways of managing their money while keeping their well-being in check. The Cost of […]

Spring into Wellness: How Embracing the Outdoors Boosts Senior Patients’ Health

Spring is here! What better way to soak in the sun than going outdoors and getting some fresh air? Stepping outside, even for a few minutes, can be relaxing and rejuvenating. Connecting with nature can boost seniors’ health in multiple ways. This season, take time to step outside and enjoy these benefits: Mental Health Boost […]

Heart-Healthy Tips for Seniors

February is American Heart Month aimed at raising awareness about cardiovascular health and heart disease. According to the American Heart Association, heart disease is one of the leading causes of fatalities in the United States. As we age, our risk of developing heart disease increases, but you can keep your heart healthy and happy even […]

5 Ways Telehealth has Revolutionized Senior Healthcare

In 2020, telehealth became the convenient way for patients to meet with their providers online when social distancing was necessary. Even though healthcare has returned to caring for patients in person, telehealth still plays a vital role in delivering care, especially to seniors. It expands the possibilities of healthcare, such as enabling seniors to manage […]

How To Get Your Senior Loved One to Drink More Water

Staying adequately hydrated is essential for people of all ages, but it becomes especially critical for seniors. Dehydration can lead to severe health problems such as urinary tract infections, kidney stones, constipation, confusion, and even an increased risk of falls. By promoting hydration, we can significantly enhance the quality of life for our beloved seniors. […]

Advice from an Eighty-Year-Old who is Thriving

I Can’t Possibly Be Eighty! By Rebecca Tran But I am eighty, so here are my accommodations: I drive the speed limit as other cars pass me by. I do NOT attempt to navigate in cloudy or rainy weather. Climbing the stairs slowly with both feet on the same tread, I hold tightly to the […]